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TEL: 203.422.5888

Airline Industry Specialist

Tucker Tax LLC has been known as "THE" CPA and Tax Specialist for the Airline Industry for decades, having prepared income tax returns (both personal & corporate) for tens of thousands of pilots & flight attendants, throughout the nation and the world.

State Airline Deductions

For 2021, six states chose not to accept the federal changes and to continue to offer a deduction for work related expenses. For residents of these states, it is still worth preparing the per diem calculation and statement of job expenses. 

Travel Schedule

To prepare the most accurate tax return possible, we will focus on accurate per diem calculations.  Even if you opt for the averaging method, you should be maintaining a printed copy of your travel schedule from the airline in case you are called upon to provide the documentation of your flight schedule to the IRS.  

Company Paid Per Diem

We must have the amount of per diem paid in order to properly calculate your deduction.  For many airlines including American, United and Continental, this figure appears on your W-2 in Box 12, Line "L". 

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